All submissions will be shown at a digital art show hosted here!
A selection of the works will be shown at a Mental Health Awareness event during the May 2nd Friday Art Walk.
To be eligible for physical showing at the May event original pieces can be no larger than 12in by 12in and in a medium that can easily be displayed at an outdoor event.
If required, Artist will be responsible for transportation and retrieval of displayed pieces at a designated time and place.
By submitting that artist confirms this is an original work created by the artist and that such work does not infringe any third party’s copyright, other intellectual property rights, moral rights, or rights to privacy, and are not defamatory or otherwise in breach of law. Copyright in any work submitted will remain the property of the artist.
Submission of the work gives the right for the work to be displayed in a digital art show and the image or likeness used for promotional materials and in pictures of the event.
Acceptance of any cash prize is considered payment in full for the work and ownership of its image and likeness and rights to publishing and use in merchandise is transferred to Thunderbird Clubhouse.
Send Submissions Via Email & Include the Following Information:
Photo of Artwork
Name of Work
Artist's Name
Artistst's Phone Number